Welcome to Mr.Boorman's landing web page for classes at Mount Douglas Secondary School.



  • It is easiest that you use a school (@sd61learn.ca) Google 'S-Suite' account.
  • If you are new to School District #61, you can request one here: Request a G-Suite Account
  • Renew/Consent use of a school G-Suite account (and other school accounts): studentconnect.sd61.bc.ca
  • More info: G-Suite & Online Accounts
  • We will be using Google Classroom this term.
  • The half-way-point in Quarter 4 is approximately May 19th, when schedules/cohorts change (Between half-class groups and full-classes.

ICT 9/10 ( ICT 9 & Web Development 10 ) ( Afternoons Q4 in Room 114 ):

  • First ~4.5 weeks: class is split into two groups: Group 1 attends in-person Mon/Wed afternoons, Group 2 attends in-person Tues/Thurs afternoons. At-Home Homework & Assignments 2-3 days/week.
  • See the Course Outline 
  • Take the ICT Course Survey
  • Join our Google Classroom  --> class code is 5tauecb
  • File & Folder Management: Set up your H:\ Drive AND Google Drive with THESE FOLDERS
  • If you do not have access to Google Classroom on the first day of class: Assignment #1: Worksheet  ... go to the link, then: File > Download > Microsoft Word .docx. Edit in MS Word on your computer. When finished, email your .docx file (and downloaded picture file) to: cboorman@sd61learn.ca. 

Computer Science 11 ( Mornings in Room 113 ):

Contact & Courses:

  • Mr. Boorman can be reached at: cboorman@sd61learn.ca
  • 2021/2022 ICT Courses (click image):

Resources & Tools:

Photos & Stock Graphics:



Web Design:

Class/Lab Rules:

  • COVID, Health & Safety:

    1. Have clean hands. Use provided hand sanitizer.
    2. Don't be a space invader!
    3. Wear a mask.
    4. Log washroom trips on the provided sheet.
    5. Class-leaving procedure: Log off, then wipe down your station (keyboard, mouse, and all contacted hard surfaces) before you are dismissed.
    6. Know your school in-and-out doors. Don't linger in hallways.
  • General Conduct:

    1. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a cordial, respectful manner that is conducive to their own and all members of the school community's well-being, functioning, and learning. This includes in-person and while using technology at school, home, and all other places.
    2. Respect the people, the room, and the equipment in the lab.
    3. Be on time, and be logged in.
    4. When your attention is asked for, give your full attention.
  • Technology/Lab Use:

    1. Avoid drinks and food near computers.
    2. Check daily if all equipment at your station is working properly and clean.
    3. Cell phones and electronics are to be OFF AND AWAY according to school policy.
    4. Lab computers are for school work ONLY.
    5. Save your files regularly on your H:\ drive.
    6. Log off your computer before you leave.
    7. Conversations about marks are to be face-to-face only, *not* digitally (email, classroom comments or otherwise).
  • Attendance, Absences, Material Covered & Assignment Due Dates:

    1. In-class attendance is mandatory.
    2. A lot of material is covered each day. You are responsible for learning the material covered in this class. Use Google classroom postings as a starting point.
    3. Miss a class? rule-of-thumb: Bring a parent/guardian note the next day.
    4. Assignments have expected due dates, but Mr. Boorman is generally very flexible. Most assignments can be handed in late without penalty, EXCEPT: time-sensitive quizzes, tests, presentations, group participation, etc.
    5. Students with a mark of less than 50% at the end of the term/quarter will recieve an F. Mr. Boorman will notify parents/guardians of students who are missing several assignments before an F is assigned.
**Violation of Computer Lab Rules will result in all your school accounts being locked & loss of computer privileges.